Friday, November 18, 2011

Excerpt from: Histories of Kaerdas

Creations Part 1

As the world cooled Kraton breathed life into Keardas, and good green things began to grow on the land and mountains that were now formed. Swimming things filled the waters, both beautiful and dreadful. Crawling things also began to cover the land, lumbering creatures that were as big as hills, and as small as specks of dust. Creatures also championed the skies between the vast void and the ground that he had formed, these were his favorite of the lesser creatures, as they could soar through the air and void as he could. He blessed them with wisdom and intelligence.

Kraton also breathed life into peculiar creatures, being that had the capacity of intelligence, but also ignorance and greed. Differing from beasts that took dominion in the seas, land, and air, Kraton gave these beings; language and reason. Some of these men turned to live in the mountains and under hills, others in the fields, and even more to the rivers and forests. These would be the creatures that decided whether Kraton or Tentil would become supreme. A time would come when one of these men would need to make the ultimate decision that would decide the outcome of this struggle.

Kraton was the soaring roaming light that crossed the sky each day and took form of a magnificent phoenix was a long flaming tail that lighted to heavens and the grounds. He was always conscience and aware of every being he had made, he could hear the faintest cry and sense through the deepest cave. He was stationed in the sky most of the time, although he also liked to walk on Keardas. To take his place from the absence of the sky and earth he created servants to aid in his maintenance of the world. When he could not be lighting the earth, his most powerful servant, Sentil, took to flight a massive caravan of flaming horses that streaked across the sky. His chariot was not as bright as Kraton’s flaming wings, which made the days seemed dim and dreadful at times, but for those who knew his purpose were reassured that Kraton was nearer to them when Sentil was taming the darkness in the sky.

Other servants also took flight in the sky; others were assigned to the caves, and even others to roaming the land. Each was fair and beautiful to look at, some taking the form of men, women, and others great beasts. In the early days they were praised and were hosted with much love from the men and as well as other beings still mysterious and unknown. The servants would guide and teach all who cared to listen, often preventing many from dying and falling into ignorance. When the men of the world began to grow strong, gradually the dependence on the servants waned and many were forgot and no longer wished to take any part on Keardas.

As the love for the servants faded, many took the distant void above the earth and cemented their own fate as stars and other heavenly bodies to be suspended and wait for the end of the world. Other servants yet fell to the guile of the Tentil and became his slaves and minions, ultimately doomed to the same fate of The Tainted One, if he were to fail. These became powerful demons, horrible nightmares and dark evil shadows that plagued the weak of heart.

A race of powerful men who called themselves The Eilan, took it upon themselves to follow the instructions of Kraton and his servants. They took it upon themselves to be stewards of the world. They indeed were not the most powerful things to dredge through the world, and certainly were not stronger than Tentil’s demons or Kraton’s servants, but they would prove their strength in the struggle between all that was good, and all that was evil.

Years passed and more of Kraton’s servants were taking to the void to be stars and heavenly bodies, times seemed to be fair among the men of the world. But the wise knew of the tales of creation and prophecy, knowing that dark and grim times were coming. Great societies were raised and passed, and the Eilan forged a great kingdom, a stronghold to base their stewardship, as most of the earth was still open to exploration, many parts were still wild and unknown, undoubtedly holding mysterious and dreadful secrets.

Logain Northrock

Post Creation 987

Excerpt from: Histories of Kaerdas

Beings of the void Part 2

Tentil, Kraton’s opposite, is everything that is evil. Anger consumed his being, for he hated Kraton. Without Kraton he would not exist, and this only engorged his Ire. Jealousy birthed this bottomless hatred, a jealousy for that fact that Kraton had existed before himself, and his actions lead to his birth. He wished to prove himself stronger than Kraton, and erase him from existence. To seed doubt, fear and evil into Kraton’s creation is how he wished to usurp his rival.

Tentil was spawned with ignorance, and he was frustrated only knowing what Kraton had presented him with. He would wait and watch the men, the beasts, and Kraton’s servants roam Keardas until he could pierce the hearts and minds of them. As the ages went on his hatred yet grew more as men became emboldened and befriended the servants of Kraton. The men seemed mesmerized by these powerful beings and their bonds of friendship grew.

There came a time when Tentil fashioned himself as a shining and beautiful woman, in an attempt to lure the servants of Kraton. Many were wary of this unknown beauty and fled from her path, but of the trusting servants, Dolnor, the watcher of the caves, was entranced by Tentil and left his duties to follow her. She led him deeper and ever deeper into the forests of the wild. Dolnor eventually caught her by the arm wishing to end the chase. Now lured and alone, Tentil struck him down. The once beautiful woman shot into the tree tops as a dreadful shadow, swirling and blinding Dolnor. A continuous echo filled his mind and drove him to insanity. Dolnor struggled with the shadow and deafening echo which seemed never-ending.

Defeated, Dolnor lay there in a trance, dead-like, and afraid. Tentil knew that fear was one of the most powerful tools in his arsenal, and it would be his greatest ploy against the servants of Kraton and men alike. Tentil spoke to Dolnor telling him that he would give him great power and let him live if he would serve him until the final struggle between Kraton and himself. Afraid of death and pain Dolnor pledged himself to Tentil, pleading for mercy and life.

Tentil laughed and knew his power from that point would only grow. He damned Dolnor and buried him in the bowels of the earth, the fate that he himself was born with. Tentil twisted Kraton’s creation into a horrid and deathly serpent, ferocious and full of hatred. He appointed Dolnor to crawl through the earth hidden. He then cursed him saying, “You will be a scourge to this earth, commanded by me. Instill my fear into men and your brethren. Forever hate and fear me, my slave, my minion, my pet, or die.”

Dolnor, the great wyrm of the earth, laid dormant as his hatred grew. He hated life itself, for he wished his would end. He hated his master but feared him more. His only wish was to destroy him, but his fear was too great to overcome it. Forever he plotted against the servants of Kraton, destroying them when he had the chance and delivering those weak of heart to be twisted by Tentil himself. Dolnor was the first Demon and the most powerful dread Tentil twisted into existence.

Logain Northrock

Post Creation 987

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Excerpt from: Histories of Kaerdas

Beings of the void Part 1

Before anything came to be, Kraton, a supreme being aimlessly drifted through the abyss that was his mind. The capacity of his mind was limitless and what he willed, happened. He contemplated many things and everything; there was nothing else but his conscience. There came a period in which he wanted to experience his thoughts. So in response he created a body for himself, and this of course created a chain reaction of many things to follow. Kraton now found himself in a space and presented himself as a mingling of beautiful lights that drifted in and out of each other, with wings to propel him through the void that was no created.

The creation of space, the distance from one thing to another, came to be from his actions, ushering an entire universe of physics, lightness, darkness, sound, touch; these all came from his one decision to have an appearance. He knew the effects of this, and was at peace with it.

He contemplated his thoughts and conscience of having an opposite, and he knew to perfect himself he must struggle with these ideas to ensure that he was indeed correct in every way. He willed a great stone bowl into existence, made of an assortment of stones and minerals all swirled and patched together. In it he created a massive pool of water that filled its emptiness. He waited until all the water was calm and then looked into it. He saw justice, benevolence, goodness and an assortment of other qualities that he perceived as being the ultimate correctness. He took all of the qualities and saw their exact opposite; greed, malice, malevolence, evil and every other opposite to himself.

The water grew cold and dark and an image began to rise from the depths, a horrid vortex of filth, darkness, smoke, and hatred arose from the pool. This would be the taint of the world that Kraton would pit himself against, his exact opposite, and possibly his match. He knew that if this new being could conquer him, it would then deserve to extinguish him. The first words that Kraton spoke followed as thunder and lightning, as massive clouds arose from the now transforming stone bowl.

“Ule’ dun di ans bosetel, enehim di oi dun ans ten, dun enehim ule’ ans di oi ten.”, were the words Kraton spoke, which would translated in modern tongue to, “You and I are opposites, whatever I am you are not, and whatever you are I am not.” He allowed his existence, so that he could prove that he is supreme. This examination will be held on the earth and seas that he would create, the battle of their influence would be held on this world. He called it Keardas, which meant center piece. The bowl began to collapse in on itself, closing in on the tainted being, which would come to be known as Tentil. It closed in on him, as anger unclosed his mind. The bowl compacted and began to crack in a great red hot ball; steam shot out and enclosed the sphere in a shroud of mist. Kraton grasped it with massive talons and claws and shaped it as it was still molten and malleable. Water seeped out and flooded the trenches and plains that Kraton formed.

As the world cooled Kraton breathed life into Keardas, and good green things began to grow on the land and mountains that were now formed. Swimming things filled the waters, both beautiful and dreadful. Crawling things also began to cover the land, lumbering creatures that were as big as hills, and as small as specks of dust. Creatures also championed the skies between the vast void and the ground that he had formed, these were his favorite of the lesser creatures, as they could soar through the air and void as he could. He blessed them with wisdom and intelligence.

Kraton also breathed life into peculiar creatures, being that had the capacity of intelligence, but also ignorance and greed. Differing from beasts that took dominion in the seas, land, and air, Kraton gave these beings; language and reason. Some of these men turned to live in the mountains and under hills, others in the fields, and even more to the rivers and forests. These would be the creatures that decided whether Kraton or Tentil would become supreme. A time would come when one of these men would need to make the ultimate decision that would decide the outcome of this struggle.

Kraton was the soaring roaming light that crossed the sky each day and took form of a magnificent phoenix was a long flaming tail that lighted to heavens and the grounds. He was always conscience and aware of every being he had made, he could hear the faintest cry and sense through the deepest cave. He was stationed in the sky most of the time, although he also liked to walk on Keardas. To take his place from the absence of the sky and earth he created servants to aid in his maintenance of the world. When he could not be lighting the earth, his most powerful servant, Sentil, took to flight a massive caravan of flaming horses that streaked across the sky. His chariot was not as bright as Kraton’s flaming wings, which made the days seemed dim and dreadful at times, but for those who knew his purpose were reassured that Kraton was nearer to them when Sentil was taming the darkness in the sky.

Other servants also took flight in the sky; others were assigned to the caves, and even others to roaming the land. Each was fair and beautiful to look at, some taking the form of men, women, and others great beasts. In the early days they were praised and were hosted with much love from the men and as well as other beings still mysterious and unknown. The servants would guide and teach all who cared to listen, often preventing many from dying and falling into ignorance. When the men of the world began to grow strong, gradually the dependence on the servants waned and many were forgot and no longer wished to take any part on Keardas.

As the love for the servants faded, many took the distant void above the earth and cemented their own fate as stars and other heavenly bodies to be suspended and wait for the end of the world. Other servants yet fell to the guile of the Tentil and became his slaves and minions. Tentil strove to twist Kraton's creations into his own designs, he hated everything that was about him. He hated life, but knew it was a necessary thing, so he would either taint it or destroy the life around him that he could afford. These became powerful demons, horrible nightmares and dark evil shadows that plagued the weak of heart.

Years passed and more of Kraton’s servants were taking to the void to be stars and heavenly bodies, times seemed to be fair among the men of the world. But the wise knew of the tales of creation and prophecy, knowing that dark and grim times were coming. Great societies were raised and passed, and the Eilan forged a great kingdom, a stronghold to base their stewardship, as most of the earth was still open to exploration, many parts were still wild and unknown, undoubtedly holding mysterious and dreadful secrets.

Logain Northrock

Post Creation 987